This was Joanne’s first coffee morning to organise for Rotherfed, just 5 weeks into the role. With a great team effort, she pulled it off! The event was well shared and was great that KC café and Mowbray Gardens Community library were happy to pop posters up and are happy to share any future events with posters being dropped off and/or emailed through to them.
Having received great feedback from those who attended including befriending recipients, people from different communities and professional colleagues who came along to find out more about what we are offering, share what they are doing and chat to all those who came alone. We had 38 people attend which was fantastic, Nic had to run out and get some more milk and cakes – which was brilliant.
The kids loved the activities, the shells and fossils went down well, it was nice they took some home with them.
It was great that we had good attendance from our professional colleagues and lovely to see Councillor Rukhsana Haleem, Rukhsana had a lovely chat with Barry and said she will see him at the next coffee morning along with Councillor Wendy Cooksey both were chatting with everyone.
It was also very positive that Diane Haigh from DWP, North Central Work and Health Group was able to join us, Diane advised she will be attending future events along with her manager Kim Richardson. The ladies from IAPT both attended this one and had a chat with a couple of attendees, further conversations came from that to implement some other support if needed/required. It was also lovely to see Mary and her husband at the event. Sandra Greatorex popped in from RUCDT (Rotherham United Community Development Trust). She works with 18-24 unemployed people supporting them into work Sandra organises different events so this could be an opportunity to reach underrepresented young people across Rotherham.

Some of the positive feedback received on the day:
‘it was a very good morning, and she was keen to attend more events in the future, she was interested to learn more about Barry’s story’.
Councillor Rukhsana
‘the event was very good and I know she had a great conversation with Diane from DWP, they were arranging a further conversation with regards to Jemma and the team attending a morning buzz meeting.‘
Jemma, IAPT
Barry really enjoyed this event; he called me after to say that attending the coffee morning has opened his world up. He was extremely nervous but soon felt very safe and will be coming in the future.
‘it was a very good event and nice to speak with people in a relaxed environment. Diane said she will be attending future events.‘
Diane Haigh, DWP
A massive thank you to all who helped make this coffee morning happen.