Tenant Involvement – Digital Skills

By Debra Gill, Tenant Involvement Innovation Officer

I recently met a lady in a neighbourhood centre during a group session, who told me that she uses her iPad for her hobbies such as crafting, but she was finding it increasingly difficult, due to her having Parkinsons Disease. I told her about the built in accessibility features on iPads, and we arranged to meet in the library the following week, where it would be quieter.

We spent two sessions going through the built in touch accommodations on the ladies iPad and phone. Customising her devices to recognise her personal tap which is not quite concise or on-target as a single tap.

Resources were produced with instructions on how change the settings to ignore repeat taps in case she wants to change more of the accessibility features going forward.

We also worked on Using Pages on iPad, to create documents and importing graphics. We worked on changing font colours and sizes, and the different templates available.

By setting the accessibility features on this lady’s device, she is now able to continue with her hobbies and has found it much easier to be able to use.