Elizabeth Parkin Centre, is going from strength to strength. The centre is attended mainly by CFC paying residents. Previously the centre has only been used for bingo twice a week but the ladies have decided that they would like to start and offer new things at the centre and build up some funds to enable them to put on new activities and fund trips out. They have decided to hold a monthly stay over after their bingo session and have a meal delivered to the centre.
After holding four successful coffee mornings the group would like to continue this but have decided to offer them fortnightly starting on the 29th February. They are going to charge £1.50 per session to include tea/coffees, biscuits, cakes in order to raise funds. They are now holding raffles too with prizes being donated by the residents. RotherFed have funded a leavers pack for the group to put them on with tea and coffee. The local Councillors have funded some raffle prizes and bought extra bingo supplies. We have got exercise and mindfulness funded through Pivotal Fitness and the Councillors. This is due to start with great enthusiasm from the residents on the 17th March. We also have a craft session booked for the 11th March in partnership with Rotherham Creative. From just 2 sessions of bingo a week this is very positive that the residents want to improve their centre and would like to offer more things.