Lynn spoke to a lady whilst waiting for her foodbank shopping regarding any concerns she had regarding her energy. The lady lived with her young son in a private rented property. She was on a low income struggling to pay her energy bills and buy daily essential items. The lady confirmed that she had accrued £2,200 in electric arrears over the last 8 months and did not have sufficient income to repay this. The lady had a medical condition and had been declined Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 8 months ago after appealing the decision. The lady had completed all PIP forms and the mandatory reconsideration herself after declining support. They discussed the service our Money Matters team can offer through Citizens Advice, who will be able to provide support with debts and completing PIP forms. They can also look for any support that may be available through charities and trusts etc. They also discussed Green Doctors who can provide support with energy saving i.e., low level draught proofing around windows and doors, foils behind radiators, up to 10 energy saving lightbulbs etc. The lady was happy to refer to our Money Matters team with a follow up referral to Citizens Advice and a referral to Green Doctors. The lady took thermometers on the day. The lady confirmed that she has declined support in the past but was willing to accept the support offered by RotherFed. Lynn also confirmed that they have winter warm packs issued during the winter months and the lady confirmed that she will contact them or call at the foodbank should she feel the need to have one.