By Rachel Cole, Senior projects officer
I have been supporting this group now since Summer 2021. The group originally got together to try and challenge Manvers Lake Trust about the yearly fees they all must pay to help towards the upkeep of the lake. Whilst they are still doing this, their main focus now is putting on events and activities for the local residents. They are now a constituted group and have approximately 12 committee members. The key members have attended various training sessions both through RotherFed and RMBC including, setting up a group, organising an event, first aid and safeguarding.
They organised their first community litter pick in December, and these are now held on a regular basis. They also successfully applied for some CLF funding from the local Councillors and did a Christmas Elf hunt. They hid 50 elves around the estate and set up a treasure map. As this event was so well received, they decided to do it again for Easter this year.
The group met early January and decided they would like to put on an event for the Queen’s Jubilee weekend. They applied for some COMF funding to help cover the costs and were successful. The event took place on Thursday 3 June from 1pm until 4pm on the field in the middle of the estate, and what a successful event it was. There were over 30 stalls, children’s fairground rides, a circus workshop, fire engine and more. The group ran a raffle and tombola to raise funds to put back into the group for future events/activities. Over 500 people attended the event and positive feedback was received all-round. The residents are already asking when the next event will be! John Healey MP attended the event to show/give his support to the group and said how fantastic it was.
This was the groups’ first large event and although at times found it stressful, they really enjoyed organising it and running it on the day. They said it was so nice to hear the positive comments from the residents who really appreciated what they had done. It made all the hard work worthwhile. The group are now looking at other funding available for future events. They are also looking for funding to purchase a laptop for the group which will make life much easier. I will continue to support this group where required.