This event, organised by British Red Cross and hosted by The Mayor of Rotherham, Cllr Eve Rose Keenan, will provide people who are lonely, their carers, friends and anyone else that provides support to people who may be lonely with information on the support and services available in Rotherham. Tuesday 13th February 2018, 2.00pm – 4.00 pm at […]
The Rotherham Federation open board meeting will take place at Springwell Gardens Community Centre. Agenda The meeting will include a presentation of the Scrutiny Report on the Repairs Journey. Scrutiny Report
A new group for young tenants is being set up and are seeking young tenants aged 16 to 25 to join us and get involved. The new group will develop around the needs of young tenant members. It is supported by staff from Target Housing and Rotherham Federation (Vicky Hilton). This work has been made […]