Running a Campaign

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Between 1pm and 3pm on Wednesday 23rd May, we will look at Campaigning and how you work with others to make a difference locally and influence decision makers. The session is at Springwell Gardens Community Centre. Book your place here.


Open Board Meeting

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to attend the next Rotherham Federation of Communities board meeting on the morning of Thursday 31st May 2018 at Springwell Gardens Community Centre. As well as the ordinary business there will be a presentation and discussion about the new repairs and maintenance contracts for council tenants in Rotherham. Steve Ruffle CEO of […]

Food Hygiene Level 2

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Food Hygiene level 2course at Springwell Gardens Community Centre.   All places must be booked and though free to volunteers require a £5 deposit to guarantee a place. Phone 01709 368515 to book or email

Eastwood FunFest

Eldon Road Playing Fields Off Erskine Road, Rotherham, United Kingdom

Rotherham Federation will be there at Eldon Road Playing Fields again this year.

Manchester Housing Exhibition

Manchester Central

With the support of Mears, Rotherham Federation is organising a bus trip to the CIH exhibition in Manchester. Meet at Springwell Gardens Community Centre at 9am.


Tenants Conference

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

RMBC’s Annual Tenants Conference will be held between 10am and 2pm on Tuesday 3rdJuly 2018 at New York Stadium. During the morning Rotherham Federation will be presenting two sets of awards. Housing Staff Awards Those housing staff from Fortem, Mears or RMBC who have done that little bit extra to help council tenants will be […]

Rotherham Digital Inclusion Networ

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Everyone is welcome to this open meeting at Springwell Gardens Community Centre. Agenda  The network is a group of volunteers and staff working and supporting people to get online.

Benefits Advice

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Free Benefits advice every week in partnership with Barnsley DIAL

Safeguarding Training

Springwell Gardens Community Centre Eastwood View, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Places must be booked in advance on 01709 368515 or by email
