It’s that time of year again! Elf Watch is back due to its success last year we decided to bring it back. The Elf watch social media project engages with online community members of the RotherFed Good News Story members to post pictures of what their mischievous Elves have been getting up to over the run up to Christmas. This year the community have not disappointed as we have seen some crackers sent into us. This is designed to be a fun active post where people can show off their creative side and we’re seeing people have fun with this one.
As always, the project started on the 1st of December and ran until the 24th of December. The post has seen over 64 pictures added by 12 members of the Rotherfed Good News page. We received new images daily.
Our standout detectives for catching these mischievous elves in the act was Claire and Julie who have posted most days with their creations. Here’s a just a few that we have picked out:
Claire caught elves playing with the children’s games in the evening!

Julie has been raising awareness of mobility issues with her elf pictures.

The mischievous elves got creative as Natalie caught them attempting a rescue mission.

We have seen some very creative posts from opening Christmas cards to playing on construction toys. We even have one that is raising awareness of mobility issues by making their own wheelchair and walking aid, the post has reached 316 people on the site meaning they have at least viewed it once.