By Ian Huddleston, Community Organiser
From last month, we have now got the committee members together and completed the constitution for the Dinnington boxing community group. They will now get a bank account and start applying for funding asap. The group have lots of other ideas to expand and do other things in the community, so this may only be the beginning for the group in Dinnington.
The group have now put together their aims and objectives, which are to improve the quality of life for the residents of the area and working towards a safer Dinnington community. To provide activities for local children to get involved with, to promote respect and positive attitudes amongst children of Dinnington, to teach a healthier lifestyle and to encourage community spirit.
Their first session was undertaken this week at JADE youth & community, which was a real success and they have made some good connections with the staff and starting to build relationships with the young people there. David, the chair of the group has now started volunteering for JADE and doing other volunteer work within the local community, which he says he wouldn’t have known how to get involved in community work without the help of Rotherham Federation, so this has helped open a lot of doors to do some really good things.
More sessions have now been booked in for the boxing group, at High Nook this week, and linking in with the community club at The Lyric to run some sessions with the older community, so the group not only tackle the ASB with the younger generation, but also can help the elders with issues around isolation and keeping fit & healthy.