By Rob Gooding, Community Organiser
Rob was invited to join the Bevan Crescent coffee morning on Tuesday 20th July where he met residents and members of the TARA. The group was really pleased at the prospect of getting back into the centre after all this time and the easing of restrictions but had decided to hold the event on Keith’s Garden due to the ages of the members and the fact that it was a glorious day. During the coffee morning the group decided to re-open the centre on the 27th July unless it was as hot again. The group said that they would like to keep wearing masks when in the centre except when seated and that they would have a designated tea maker to minimise contact, this was a unanimous vote. Keith and the group were over the moon with the ‘Welcome Back’ pack provided by RotherFed and couldn’t thank me enough for the help and support he has received through lockdown. Keith was especially happy with the CCTV Rob supported them to get for the centre through the housing hub suggestions last year.